Ingredients You Can Pronounce

Our CBD Products harness the full healing potential of the Hemp Plant to bring you the highest quality, all natural ingredients to enhance and protect your mind and body wellness.


We abandon all synthetic fillers and solvents that many other CBD products use, and only use food grade, certified organic ingredients that you are more acquainted with. To guarantee purity, all of our products are certified organic through third party lab testing. Our health is our true wealth, so we may as well invest in what matters!


High Performance

Being health nuts, one of the main demands we had when developing our flagship product, Pure Gold CBD Oil for Optimum Wellness, was for the benefits to be noticeable immediately upon taking it so we can enjoy natural relief. Since achieving this, we’ve maintained this same quality standard through all of our certified organic products.


To put it simply, our CBD formulas are designed to never question whether CBD works.



Our Growing Process is the secret behind the success of our products. We start with certified organic biochar soil derived from reused forest wood. Our biochar utilizes Live Plant Soil, so we do not add any animal fertilizers like steer or chicken manure to grow our prized Hemp Plants.

Growing our Hemp Plants in above-ground fabric pots conserves water through moisture censors so we never over-water our crops. We water our plants using well-water so chemicals from city water never make their way into our plant’s soil. Once we use our spent soil for the Hemp, we reuse it to grow other plants on our San Diego Farm.

Greenlife Organics CBD Oil & Gummies are environmentally safe.


The Truth About Extraction

Our Proprietary Extraction Process is the secret behind the success of our products. Our process extracts CBD from the Hemp plant at cold temperatures so none of the therapeutic botanicals are destroyed by high heat, pressure or use of solvents.

We only make our products from the blossom of the Hemp plants as it contains the purest CBD. Products made using the whole plant are inferior as the Hemp stem contains chlorophyll which negates the benefits of CBD in the human body.

Once created, all of our CBD products undergo third panel testing by independent labs to ensure NO pesticides, heavy metals or solvents are present in the final product.

CBD Products created through high heat Co2 Extraction result in a lower quality product as heat needed to process the stem destroy much of the phytonutrients needed to make CBD Oil effective.

Greenlife Organics CBD Oil & Gummies are the most sustainble CBD products.



When we began formulating our two newest products, Pure Gold CBD Oil and Pure Gold CBD Gummies, we knew our packaging needed to be as sustainable as the product itself. With both products requiring different packaging needs, we began researching frosted glass technology that protects our CBD Oil from heat and sun damage. Upon through research and testing, we found our solution!

We are proud to create CBD Products that pave for the way for high performance and sustainability. Our all-natural Pure Gold CBD Oil and Gummies are the first of their kind to harness the full wellness potential of organic CBD, packaged in sustainable glass bottles. Additionally, our glass bottles are 100% recyclable!


Will CBD Oil Stain My Clothes?


For Our Earth